Thursday, October 27, 2005

October is National Poetry Month!

Keeping It Together

While researching words
for our friends' wedding
I discovered something interesting:

the Irish, while being
romantic about a lot of things
are not so about love;
and like a talking dog

the best years of our lives
are creating themselves.

We are an envoy
written to tell itself:
the next word is this;
the next word is this.


Reen said...

Can you just crawl into my brain and tell me poems, Shafer? It would be good.

shanna said...

ooh, good one. see you in maureen's brain!

Scott Glassman said...

beautiful & sad in a way . . .

Anonymous said...

Its beautiful and fantastic. Ilike these lines- the Irish, while being
romantic about a lot of things
are not so about love.
Knox Leon