Monday, April 09, 2007

NaPoWriMo 04.07.07

Guns & Bullets

Saturday night like a shipyard:
but the big old boats
that had been docked for years
but not for good were shook
loose for an evening.

In respect to Emily --
she rode the bull;
in respect to Ann --
she shoved ‘em around
the crowded bathroom;
and Lindsay is always
right there for the old folks
and the new friends.

And a big Spanish Star
shined down on all of us.


Sandra said...

I've been reading a lot a lot a lot of NaPoWriMo drafts, and yours are some of the most energetic. Keep going!

I saw an early version of Never Cry Woof and it looked great, btw.

Lindsay said...

I don't know about those italics. I hear I'm as misanthropic as an imaginary friend.