Monday, June 27, 2005

JuPoWriMo Continues

The Functional Beauty of Howard Hawks

It is both as simple
and as complicated
as two people talking:

someone is or isn't
annoying; someone
will interrupt someone.

In three good scenes
you will see a movie,
there will be no bad scenes.

In dreams America
does not fail, you simple
genre, you American Dream.

I got some great photos

for the I'll Show You My Full Moon contest, and as soon as I get them re-sized to fit the blog I will post them here.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

JuPoWriMo #4

Space Patrol Girls

On the moon
you can never get lost
because there is no one
around to confuse you.

I can drop you off there.
But I can't pick you up,
smaller sister, there's
a girl a year older
who knows about
Kris Kristofferson
and who wants to kiss me.

On the moon
you can never get lost
because you are constantly
triangulating your position
in relation to at least two
of your space patrol girls.

...and I am not talking about my ass...

Please help me celebrate the first-ever I'll Show You Mine Photography Contest, not very subtlely called the I'll Show You My Full Moon Contest 2005.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) night at approximately 8:45 Brooklyn time there should be a big moon rising. I mean moon literally and rising figuratively.

Email digital photos of this moon to me from around the world, and I will post them here. The winners of the contest will receive an I'll Show You Mine t-shirt!

Since I'll Show You Mine is run entirely by retarded hippies, everyone will be a winner.

Rocket Men from the Moon

Part 2

An medium-sized alien moustach
haunts me now in this Charlie
Chaplin movie.

Myself and this beer
have somehow been in love for years now.

In the blink of an eye,
canes are swinging
and his and my
favorite pasttime
is still falling over.

JuPoWriMo #3!

Rocket Men from the Moon Part 1

I am collecting the poems
I have scattered
Across the wide wasteland
of my computerized brain.

Handsome government men
will report earnestly on my success.

American Ed Harris astronauts
will pound phones.

My jet-pack cannot falter.

A Well-Hung Show

Hey Y'all,

Please join us for a National Arts Club Freakout, wherein an art opening will be celebrated underneath the wide stained glass ceilings where we will drink peacock blue cocktails and wag our fingers at those outside the establishment, including ourselves. Alexa Vachon has put together a crackerjack team of underground artists who will all be getting suntans as they are yanked into the overground, including but not limited to myself, Lizzie, Mark, Dan, Ed, Tara, Jordan, Deb, Todd, and many others.

Official invite attached. Fancy dress required. 8:30 PM on Tuesday night at the National Arts Club on Grammercy Park.

The Red Death

Image hosted by

JuPoWriMo #2


Counting the quivers
that bust through the suspension
of our 1960 Corvair:

rough going
and inside
I imagine the "ahh"
that comes
when the man inside me
drinks weird alcohol.

But there is no air
in the suspension of this Corvair,
no sighs inside but squeaks.

The air cooled rear engine
would prove itself
but not to me.

Friday, June 17, 2005

June is National Poetry Month!

Daddy's Little Tri-State Area

we were a package of one
and from the Pterodactyls of Long Island
to the scratch-offs of Point Pleasant
we could giggle foolishly at the price of goggles
for our eyes had already been open underwater
for a long time our eyes were martial red
our snoring was marital our tips were considerable

it was the best you said it was
the best in years
magic was in the everywhere
we were so tired when it was done

it will all start over again
but I don't know when

Final Freq!

The final official Freq (there will be unofficial Freqs all summer long) of the season is here. Come help Mark Lamoureux, Bill Cassidy, Heather Christle, and maybe even Andrew Kaufman celebrate the close of the the SIXTH SEASON of Frequency. It will all go down at 2:30 PM on Sunday, June 19th at 165 W. 4th St. and 6th Ave. Love from all of us here at Frequency!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Special SATURDAY Frequency!

Join us for a very special Saturday Frequency on June 11th at 2:30 PM. The Freq of the week will feature fellow Unpleasant Event Schedulers Amy King and Stephanie Gray.

165 W. 4th & 6th Ave.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Freq of the Week!

Frequency this Sunday June 5th will feature Matthew Thorburn plus a special guest! We like everybody at Frequency, but we like Matthew best of all.

Sunday 2:30 PM at 165 W. 4th & 6th Ave.